Kobido massage

Japanese facelift. It is based on stimulation of natural processes occurring in our body. Initially, the massage is slow, but very deep, and results in reduction of excessive muscle tension.

During a massage with the Kobido technique, lymphatic drainage is also used, which activates residual lymph and eliminates the existing swelling.

In the lifting phase, all techniques are based on very intensive, stimulating, lifting, quick movements that toss the tissues, reaching the muscles and muscle attachments.

Effects: Deep relaxation and relief. Lifting. Improvement of the face oval. Intensive stimulation. Skin nourishment.

The Kobido massage is available in selected salons:

Kosmetyczny Instytut Dr Irena Eris:

Warszawa, ul. Freta 41/43
Warszawa, Fabryka Norblina
Lublin, ul. Nałęczowska 18a /U17

Dr Irena Eris Beauty Partner:

Sofitel Grand Sopot, ul. Powstańców Warszawy 12/14
Wisła, Hotel Crystal Mountain, ul. Bukowa 19A